超聲波探傷標準試塊 著色滲透探傷劑/顯像劑/滲透劑/清洗劑 磁粉檢測試塊/磁粉探傷試塊 磁粉探傷耗材 多用磁粉探傷儀 移動式磁粉探傷儀 磁粉磁軛探傷儀/磁探儀 X射線報警儀/個人計量儀 暗室紅燈/三色燈/警告燈 超聲波探傷儀/測厚儀 退磁機/線圈退磁器 冷熱觀片燈/工業(yè)評片燈 強度計/特斯拉計/高斯計 數(shù)顯黑白密度計/密度片 超聲波探傷耗材 射線探傷耗材 磁粉、磁膏、磁懸液 熒光探傷燈 高強度紫外線燈 紫外線黑光燈/LED黑光燈/熒光探傷燈 工業(yè)X光膠片 JB行業(yè)標準試塊 GB國家標準試塊 焊縫自然缺陷試塊 CSK-IA超聲波試塊 超聲波檢測試塊 *標準試塊與其他*標準試塊 工業(yè)恒溫洗片機、干片機 進口 超聲波耦合劑 其它
Groove Weldable Rust-proof Agent
This product is transparent,uniform asphalt after it is finished.It is easy to use and has a excellent effect on rust-proof of the joint-flaw in metal welding.The shelf life of it is longer than 6 months in the dry and longer than 10 days in the moisture.It has no side-effect on the quality of metal welding and can conduct direct welding without getting rid of it.