BDL61-63XX|BDL61-25XX|BDL61-10 防爆斷路器
BDL61-63XX|BDL61-25XX|BDL61-10 防爆斷路器 品牌:依客思,“科技成就未來”更多防爆產品請登陸樂清市依客思公司
BLK52防爆斷路器適用范圍 Aplication
Can be used in Zone 1 and Zone 2 dangerous places.
Can be used in IIA、IIB、group explosive atmosphere.
型號含義 Model implication
主要技術參數(shù) Main technical parameters
型號 額定電壓(V) 脫扣器額定電流(A) 防爆標志 電纜外徑() 進線口螺紋() 防護等級
Type Rated voltage Rated current of release Ex-mark Cable''''s outer Inlet''''s thread Protection class
------------------------------BDL61-63XX|BDL61-25XX|BDL61-10 防爆斷路器--------------------------------------------------
BLK52-32 1、2、3、4、6、10、16 12-17 1
BLK52-63 40、50、63 Exde II Bt6 13-26 1''''/2、2 Ip54
BLK52-100/□ 80、100 18-33 1''''2、2 *Ip55
BLK52-225/□ 380/220 125、160
180、200、225 27-42 2、2''''/2
BLK52-400/□ 250、315 34-50 3
BLK52-630/□ 500、630 43-60 3、3''''/2、4
BLK52防爆斷路器產品特點 Features
■ 鑄鋁合金外殼,表面噴塑 ◆ Diecasted aluminium alloy shell with
■ 內裝高分斷小型斷路器或低壓塑殼式斷路器. ◆ Inside is installed minicircuit breaker of high breaking
capacity or The inside packs a footlight tube,the fleetness
starts starts in a moment,can according to customer request
refit the one foot light tube.
■ 具有過載,短路保護功能,也可根據(jù)要求加裝 ◆ With overload and shortcircuit protection,leakage protection is
■ 漏電分勵脫扣等保護裝置. ◆ Available as required Cent the the takes off to button up the device.
■ 鋼管或電纜布線均可. ◆ Suitable for steeel pipe and cable wiring.
■ 符合GB3836-2000.IEC60079標準要求. ◆ Suitable for GB3836-2000,IEC60079 standard request.
BLK52防爆斷路器外形舉例 Outline example
BLK52-32 (IIB) BLK52-225 XD (IIB)
BLK52-60 (IIB) BLK52-225XX(IIB)
BLK52-100 (IIB0
外形舉例 Outline example
CBK 52-400XD (IIB) BLK52-400XX (IIB)
CBK 52-630XX (IIB) CBK 52-630XD (IIB)