目錄:北京中諾泰安科技有限公司>>HACH試劑備件耗材>> HACHHACH 20NTU ICE-PIC濁度校驗模塊
HACH 20NTU ICE-PIC濁度校驗模塊 p/n.5225000(52250-00)
ICE-PIC 20 NTU Calibration/Verification Modules
● Verify calibration in less than 60 seconds
● Available in 1 and 20 NTU modules
● Can be used with the 1720C, D and E instruments
● No loss of sample flow to complete a verification
● No sample cell to recondition after verification
HACH 20NTU ICE-PIC濁度校驗模塊 p/n.5225000(52250-00)
p/n.5221500(52215-00),1NTU,ICE-PIC校驗模塊(ICE-PIC 1 NTU Calibration/Verification Module )