E-fiber is a fully-customisable electrospinning platform consisting of injection stages and application-specific collectors (static or movable), for the laboratory-scale manufacturing of polymeric-nanofibrous matrices. This device creates a powerful and highly versatile technique for the creation of various fibrous architectures with controlled fibre diameter and orientation. Its technology minimises influence on the electrospinning process. E-fiber offers various technological solutions to accuray control each process guaranteeing batch-to-batch reproducibility and precise control of fibre parameters such as diameter, orientation and texture. The equipment is user-friendly and safe thanks to the automatic safety devices that protect the operator.
E-fiber can be equipped with a variety of add-on modules to extend and best fit user requirements and applications, such as coaxial needles, multi-spinneret systems, additional sensors, custom-shaped targets etc. E-fiber accessories page
Main Features
E-Fiber starter-kit (available both in standard and advanced version) with high voltage generator, programmable syringe pump, power supply and emergency stop, consumables, spinneret and target.
Different types of collector: rotating, parallel plate, planar or custom shaped for coating applications.
Target areas increased with motion.
Ideal for many fields of application (filtration, energy storage, capacitor, biomedical etc.)
Particularly suitable for manufacturing 3-dimensional structures for tissue engineering. Electrospun scaffolds page
Multi-needle version with up to ten different polymers
Different types of spinneret: single needle, multi needles, coaxial nozzles (fibres with different core and shell materials)
Available in stand-alone cabinet version or directly installed inside your exhaust hood.
- Complex motion system for complex target shapes.
Download technical data
Some E-fiber users: Innovhub – Stazione Sperimentale per la Seta, Politecnico di Milano, Fondazione Filarete,Bioengineering Laboratories
Marelli B, Alessandrino A, Farè S, Freddi G, Mantovani D, Tanzi M C. Compliant electrospun silk fibroin tubes for small vessel bypass grafting. Acta Biomaterialia (2010), 6(10), 4019-4026.
Marelli B, Achilli M, Alessandrino A, Freddi G, Tanzi M C, Farè S, Mantovani D. Collagen-reinforced electrospun silk fibroin tubular construct as small calibre vascular graft. Macromolecular bioscience, 12 (11), p.1566-1574, Nov 2012