BTC-2000™ Features:
- High-Resolution Target Laser (µm) and negative pressure (mmHg & mbar) transducer.
- Simple touchscreen interface, including easy 3-step skin test protocol.
- Portable-lightweight system with hard-shell case.
- Real-time graphical screen updates, auto-calculations & immediate display of BTC results
(Intact Skin or Material Characterization, Disruptive Incisional or Material Failure). - Various glass chambers for observation and sterilization.
- Data management to review data
- An RS232 connection to transfer tests to BTC-2!; a file transfer and BTC Analysis program for importing and ranalyzing tests/files using Windows compatible systems. In addition, BTC-2! generates spreadsheets of results for statistical analysis.
- Optional Data Acquisition Parameters and pressure modes.
- Optional Stress-Strain calculations normalized to area and sample thickness.
- Printer connection and driver support for printing BTC results.
- On screen “HELP” for on-site support.
- Unlimited applications including skin, soft tissue & wound healing.
Systems for objective, quantitative and sensitive analyses of the biomechanical properties of skin, soft tissues, wound closure, wound healing & both intact and disruptive characterization of elastic materials.
SRLI’s patented technologies offer scientific value for R&D evaluations:
- Bridges methodology between the laboratory & clinic.
- Objective analysis for standardization & reproducibility.
- Fixed boundaries & minimal pre-stress for reliable analysis.
- Characterization and measurements of structural and material properties.
- Generous high-resolution deformation measurement range to detect ultra-sensitive differences.
- Non-Disruptive/Intact measurements of human skin, wounds & elastic materials.
- In-vivo biomechanical measurements of wound closure & the early phases of wound healing.
- Disruptive in-vivo elastic materials testing and analysis.
- Reduced sample preparation time allows for immediate testing (i.e. tissue adhesives & sealants)
- Non-Disruptive measurements permit multiple analyses of the same wound/tissue over time.
- Clinically relevant multi-axial stress in full thickness models.
- Intact materials characterization of the “actual product”
(no sample excision), including non-destructive testing. - Provides data & results in real-time.
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