Bioo Scientific Corporation () is a biotechnology and health care company with headquarters in Austin, Texas USA. We offer a large variety of in vivo RNAi products, a full line of Cytokine ELISAs, PCR based reagents and DNA/RNA extraction kits as well as monoclonal and polyclonal Antibodies that cover a wide variety of research areas. We also offer a variety of services such as monoclonal and polyclonal antibody production, preclinical testing services for drug development and RNAi agent services. |
- Worthington Biochemical/美國
- Trilink
- 其他品牌
- QuickZyme Biosciences
- Research Diets
- Cygnus Technologies
- polysciences
- Boston Biochem
- Crystal Chem
- Enzyme Research
- BioporTo/丹麥
- ethosbiosciences
- beyotime/碧云天
- JCRB Cell Bank
- Edwards/英國愛德華
- GlycoTech/美國
- Minerva Biolabs
- Medisafe
- Vitrolife
- Biotech
- Genview
- Peninsula/美國