牛頓科技PSM1700 多功能相位增益分析儀
牛頓科技PSM1700 多功能相位增益分析儀,在世界上各種不同應用領域的工程設計人員對于的測量設備的要求,不外于更快的測量速度、更大的擴充彈性、和更高的測量精度。公司推出的新一代多功能測量儀,功能非常**,應用非常彈性,牛頓科技PSM1700 多功能相位增益分析儀同時在各種量測功能上也都具備很高的精度。
牛頓科技PSM1700 多功能相位增益分析儀
PsimetriQ: 10µHz - 1MHz Phase Sensitive Multimeter
PSM1700 PsimetriQ is a comprehensive DFT and true RMS analysis instrument for R&D and production test applications. It has a clear, bright graphics display showing real time values or graphs or tables. It can be operated completely by remote control over RS232 or LAN as an option.
It is designed to give optimum performance, speed of measurement and convenience, providing sophisticated measurement capability in a cost effective and easy to use bench top instrument.
Versatility without compromise
量精度。N4L 公司推出的新一代多功能測量儀,功能非常**,應用非常彈性,同時在各種量測功能上也都具備很高的精度。
Proven technology
Utilising the latest DSP and FPGA technology to optimise the use of innovative analogue hardware, many measurements functions can be derived with great precision from the basic elements of true rms voltage on two measurement channels plus the phase angle between them. It is from this fundamental relationship between independent voltages and their relative phase angle that the phrase 'Phase Sensitive Multimeter' was derived and this is also the key to the unique combination of performance, versatility and value provided by the PSM range.
Whether you will make use of just one or all six of the primary measurement modes included in the PSM1700 and PSM1735, you can be sure of exceptional accuracy, speed and ease of use that only the latest design technology can provide.
PSM1700 測試開關電源環(huán)路特性 • 電機控制環(huán)路特性分析
Ordering information
PSM1700-USR (without LAN interface)
PSM1700-USR-L (with LAN interface)
This product is designed, manufactured & supported in the UK. All measurements are traceable to UKAS, certificates of conformance and calibration are supplied as standard. Our products are CE marked.
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