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來源:廣東海達儀器有限公司   2020年05月12日 17:16  






GB/T 6544-2008 瓦楞紙板

GB/T 6543-2008運輸包裝用單瓦楞紙箱和雙瓦楞紙箱

GB/T 13023-2008 瓦楞芯(原)紙




Corrugated Cardboard Introduction

Corrugated cardboard is a multi-layered adhesive body, which consists of at least one layer of corrugated core paper (commonly known as "pit sheet", "corrugated paper", "corrugated core paper", "corrugated core", "corrugated base paper") and one layer Cardboard (also known as "carton board", "carton board"). It has high mechanical strength and can withstand collisions and falls during handling. The actual performance of the corrugated carton depends on three factors: the characteristics of the core paper and cardboard and the structure of the carton itself.

Also called corrugated cardboard. It is composed of at least one layer of corrugated paper and a layer of boxboard paper (also called boxboard), which has good elasticity and extensibility. It is mainly used to manufacture cartons, carton sandwiches and other packaging materials for fragile goods.



Corrugated paper can be tested according to which standards


GB / T 6544-2008 Corrugated cardboard GB / T 6543-2008 Single and double corrugated cardboard boxes for transport packaging GB / T 13023-2008 Corrugated core (original) paper


Haida Instrument is a company with more than ten years of experience in the production of paper and carton testing instruments. We can provide professional corrugated paper testing services and testing instruments, such as paper edge and ring pressure testing, burst strength testing, and carton compression testing. , Drop test, impact test, vibration test, etc., Haida can also provide a one-stop laboratory solution to help you solve laboratory testing problems.






GB/T 6544-2008 瓦楞紙板

GB/T 6543-2008運輸包裝用單瓦楞紙箱和雙瓦楞紙箱

GB/T 13023-2008 瓦楞芯(原)紙




Corrugated Cardboard Introduction

Corrugated cardboard is a multi-layered adhesive body, which consists of at least one layer of corrugated core paper (commonly known as "pit sheet", "corrugated paper", "corrugated core paper", "corrugated core", "corrugated base paper") and one layer Cardboard (also known as "carton board", "carton board"). It has high mechanical strength and can withstand collisions and falls during handling. The actual performance of the corrugated carton depends on three factors: the characteristics of the core paper and cardboard and the structure of the carton itself.

Also called corrugated cardboard. It is composed of at least one layer of corrugated paper and a layer of boxboard paper (also called boxboard), which has good elasticity and extensibility. It is mainly used to manufacture cartons, carton sandwiches and other packaging materials for fragile goods.



Corrugated paper can be tested according to which standards


GB / T 6544-2008 Corrugated cardboard GB / T 6543-2008 Single and double corrugated cardboard boxes for transport packaging GB / T 13023-2008 Corrugated core (original) paper


Haida Instrument is a company with more than ten years of experience in the production of paper and carton testing instruments. We can provide professional corrugated paper testing services and testing instruments, such as paper edge and ring pressure testing, burst strength testing, and carton compression testing. , Drop test, impact test, vibration test, etc., Haida can also provide a one-stop laboratory solution to help you solve laboratory testing problems.



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