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主營產品: 射頻光纖傳輸模塊-微波光纖傳輸模塊-RF over Fiber-微波光纖延遲線-雷達目標模似器 |
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主營產品: 射頻光纖傳輸模塊-微波光纖傳輸模塊-RF over Fiber-微波光纖延遲線-雷達目標模似器 |
2012-12-6 閱讀(1932)
提 供 商 | 北京錦坤科技有限公司 | 資料大小 | 367.7KB |
資料圖片 | 下載次數 | 635次 | |
資料類型 | PDF 文件 | 瀏覽次數 | 1932次 |
(1. 中國科學院長春光學精密機械與物理研究所,吉林長春130033;
2. 中國科學院研究生院,北京100039)
摘要: 所述空間遙感器反射鏡的工作溫度為18±
關鍵詞: 中心支撐; 小型反射鏡; 柔性結構
中圖分類號: TH122 文獻標志碼: A 文章編號: 1007-2276(2010)06-1070-05
Support technique in centre of minitype reflector
TAN Jin-guo1,2, HE Xin1, FU Liang-liang1
(1. Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130033, China ;
2. Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China)
Abstract: The working temperature of space remote sensor reflector is 18 ±
the reflector in the complex working condition needs to meet the design requirements. The choices of the reflector materials and the supporting structure materials were introduced. The supporting way and the lightweight structure of the reflector and so on were discussed. According to the design principles of the flexible supporting structure of the reflector and using CAD/CAE engineering software for analysis and optimization, a kind of reflector flexible structure of centre support was designed by means of finite element method (FEM). Surface deformation less than λ /10 (PV) and λ /40 (RMS) (λ =632.8 nm)in this temperature range. Finally, the changes of reflector surface deformation and the dynamic characteristic of reflector component simulators were tested by the mechanical environment test. The conclusion is proved that the structure of the reflector meets the demand of the optical design.
Key words: Centre Support; Minitype reflector; Flexible structure
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