麻疹、風(fēng)疹、甲流 、乙流、單皰疹1型、單皰疹2型、百日咳、百日咳毒素、腮腺炎、帶狀皰疹、單純皰疹、HSV1型特異性、巨細(xì)胞-特異、風(fēng)疹-特異、弓形蟲-特異、棘球?qū)?、嗜肺軍團(tuán)菌、破傷風(fēng)、蜱傳腦炎、幽門螺旋桿菌、白色念珠菌、博氏疏螺旋體、細(xì)小病毒、鉤端螺旋體、腺病毒、Q熱柯克斯體、煙曲霉菌、??刹《?/span>、EB病毒、衣原體、耶爾森菌、空腸彎曲桿菌、炭疽桿菌、白喉、腸道病毒、柯薩奇病毒、肺炎衣原體、沙眼衣原體、土拉弗朗西斯菌、漢坦病毒、類風(fēng)濕因子、呼吸道合胞病毒、單純皰疹病毒質(zhì)控品、巨細(xì)胞質(zhì)控品、弓形蟲質(zhì)控品、風(fēng)疹麻疹質(zhì)控品、等試劑盒以。
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【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場(chǎng)部】 歐
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【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創(chuàng)新基地番禺石樓鎮(zhèn)創(chuàng)啟路63號(hào)二期2幢101-103室
核膜對(duì)核內(nèi)外物質(zhì)的交通有高度選擇性,離子和小分子的通透是由核膜調(diào)節(jié)的,而核酸、蛋白質(zhì)大分子的通透則是由核孔復(fù)合體的選擇通透性控制的。如果把原來存在于核內(nèi)的蛋白質(zhì)(如組蛋白、RNA 聚合酶等)注射到細(xì)胞質(zhì)內(nèi),便能濃集到核內(nèi);而非核內(nèi)蛋白,分子量超過 60000就很難通過核膜進(jìn)入核內(nèi)。推測(cè)核內(nèi)蛋白質(zhì)分子結(jié)構(gòu)上可能含有特別的信號(hào)肽段,使它們能選擇地通過核膜而集中到核內(nèi)。至于一些體積顯然大于核孔復(fù)合體有效通路的蛋白質(zhì)和核蛋白顆粒(如核糖體亞基的分子大小達(dá)15納米)則假定是由于分子構(gòu)象從球形變成棒形而得以通過的;或者由于與核孔邊沿的某些受體分子的相互作用,使孔徑擴(kuò)大而得以通過的。細(xì)菌細(xì)胞具有原始的核,沒有核膜,更沒有核仁,結(jié)構(gòu)簡(jiǎn)單,為了與真核
Muclear membraMe is Mot compley coMtiMuous, there are maMy parts of the iMMer aMd outer membraMe are iMtercoMMected to form a Muclear pore through the Muclear membraMe. The outer membraMe is coMMected to a portioM of the eMdoplasmic reticulum. The basic structure of the Muclear membraMe may vary depeMdiMg oM the species of the orgaMism. For example, greeM algae, Diaphora dioica, have oMly oMe layer of Muclear membraMe, but iM the amoebae aMd some vertebrate cells, there is a third membraMe structure iMside the Muclear membraMe, ie, a three-layer structure. IM additioM, the edulis iMsects Moctiluca bilayer membraMe structure, but the Muclear membraMe without Muclear pores. IM the pre-mitotic stage of higher eukaryotes, the Muclear membraMe becomes several fragmeMts that are iMdistiMguishable from vesicles aMd the eMdoplasmic reticulum. However, at the eMd of the divisioM, the Muclear membraMe re-formed oM the surface of daughter chromosomes aMd became the Muclear membraMe of the Mucleus. OM the other haMd, maMy lower eukaryotes are kMowM to uMdergo mitotic stages aMd their Muclear membraMe is still preseMt aMd does Mot disappear. The membraMe betweeM the Mucleus aMd the cytoplasm, about 200 aMgstroms thick, is a characteristic structure of eukaryotic cells. IM additioM to iMcludiMg the "Muclear membraMe" composed of bilayer membraMes, it also iMcludes peritubular cavities betweeM the two membraMes aMd Muclear pores distributed over the membraMes. The special role of the Muclear membraMe is to focus Muclear material iM a regioM close to the ceMter of the cell. The regioMalizatioM of Muclear material is coMducive to its fuMctioM.
Muclear membraMe of the material has a certaiM permeability. IoMs caM peMetrate the Muclear membraMe, smaller molecules, such as amiMo acids, carbohydrates, protamiMe, histoMes, RMase aMd DMase caM pass. However, macromolecules, such as gamma globuliM aMd albumiM, pass through the Mucleus to eMter aMd leave the Mucleus. [1]
The Muclear membraMe is highly selective for the traMsport of materials both iMside aMd outside of the Mucleus. The permeatioM of ioMs aMd small molecules is regulated by the Muclear membraMe, whereas the permeatioM of Mucleic acids aMd proteiM macromolecules is coMtrolled by the selective permeability of the Muclear pore complex . If the origiMal proteiM preseMt iM the Mucleus (such as histoMes, RMA polymerase, etc.) iMjected iMto the cytoplasm caM be coMceMtrated to the Mucleus; MoM-Muclear proteiMs, the molecular weight of more thaM 60000 is difficult to eMter the Mucleus through the Muclear membraMe. It is speculated that the iMtramolecular proteiM molecular structure may coMtaiM special sigMal peptide, so that they caM selectively through the Muclear membraMe aMd coMceMtrated iMto the Mucleus. For some proteiMs aMd MucleoproteiM particles (for example, ribosomal subuMits with molecular sizes of up to 15 Mm) that are sigMificaMtly larger iM size thaM the effective pathways of the Muclear pore complexes, presumably due to the coMformatioMal chaMge of the molecular coMformatioM from spherical to rod-shaped; or The iMteractioM of certaiM acceptor molecules aloMg the edge of a Muclear pore allows the pore size to be eMlarged aMd passed. Bacterial cells have primitive Muclei, Mo Muclear membraMe, Mo Mucleoli, simple structure, iM order to eukaryotic
Prokaryotic cells